Copyright © 2011-2019 Consult In Motion


Latest update:  May 2019

Consult In Motion

Consult in Motion is focused on research and innovation. The technology is provided as software and libraries to partners and clients for integration with their own products and applications.


The CiMotion libraries provides the core technologies. Sensors and app frameworks are available as a service and assurance to all parties for successful development projects.


CiMotion Fusion

· Indoor Navigation

· Motion Awareness

· GPS, network, WiFi,  Bluetooth positioning

· Sensor based positioning

· Customer specific services

· Improves performance

· Optimises the User Experience

· … and all the features listed below 


 Indoor Navigation  -  Pedestrian Positioning

· PDR, Pedestrian Dead Reckoning

· Instant speed estimation

· Sensors - accelerometer and magnetometer

· Infrastructure less solutions

· Fusion with GPS or network based positioning

· Integrates with your app.. Easy to use APIs



· Navigation grade accuracy  -  Typically 1 degree accurate

· Fully Tilt Compensated  - horizontal as well as vertical

· Low cost consumer grade sensor  -  software alignment

· Wide range of sensor alignment algorithms available


Custom Solutions with mobile sensors

Any specific needs with mobile sensors? We will explore together!


Platform Support

· Android  -  ver. 4.4 or higher and Wearable’s

· Embedded Linux

· Wear OS  (Android Wear)

· Microsoft .net  - Windows Mobile /Windows Phone


Consultancy & Design Support

· Hardware  -  sensor selection and board design

· Software and libraries  -  development and licensing

· Specialisation  -  the motion sensor framework, apps and libraries